
How Long Does It Take for a Cavity to Form?

March 12, 2024

Your mouth is home to millions upon millions of bacteria. Thankfully, most of these bacteria are harmless, and even helpful! Conversely, bacteria can still cause cavities to form. It feasts on simple sugars producing destructive acid that can damage the enamel of your teeth. The result? Tooth decay and cavities. A healthy diet and oral routine can reduce your risk of cavities, but if should this be the case, getting a dental filling in 33323 has never been easier.

getting Dental Filling 33323

Decay and Fillings: Everything You Need to Know

Stages of Tooth Decay

Demineralization or dull white spots appears when the acids from bacteria cause the enamel to lose its minerals. Since enamel is the primary reason for a tooth’s strength, losing its minerals weakens the enamel. Since demineralization can be seen as white spots of the teeth, it may be treated with fluoride treatments.  Enamel Decay occurs when the enamel has been weakened, the acids will start to erode through it. Thus, forms a shallow cavity that only affects the enamel. This stage can usually be treated by placing a composite filling.  Dentin Decay is what lies below the enamel layer if it has been weakened. If the acid continues to erode and dig its way down, it reaches the dentin level. Cavity doubles its size at this point. Hence, cavities that affect the dentin usually need to be treated with larger fillings like inlays or onlays.  Involvement of Dental Pulp follows below where the dentin lies. It is the innermost layer of the tooth. If the bacteria reach the pulp, they will infect the inside of the tooth. A pulp infection will cause significant discomfort and pain. At this point, the only way to save the tooth is to perform a root canal and sometimes tooth extraction.  Abscess formation, in rare cases, can continue to spread deeper until it reaches the root canals. This usually results in an abscess that forms at the base of the tooth roots. Not only is this incredibly painful, but it usually results in the tooth being extracted.

Cavity Treatment

Tooth decay left untreated can cause severe pain, infection, and tooth loss. Dental patients who come in with tooth decay are usually treated with simple fillings, which resolve the cavity. But if you have ever wondered what exactly goes into dental fillings and how many options are there. Deciding which type of filling can come down to a few factors: money, time, and expectations. Below are some options that you may find suitable for your needs: Gold is costly and harder for your dentist to work with. This makes the procedure take longer and cost more. Composite resins are tooth-colored fillings. Composite resin is easier than gold for a dentist to work with and usually is less expensive than gold. Glass ionomer is a type of filling that is more ideal for children. It has the shortest life span. It produces fluoride around the tooth and is recommended for children who are shedding teeth. Ceramics are costly tooth-colored fillings. They require special equipment and may require dental lab support. You may need several appointments. Amalgam is the easiest material for a dentist to use. It is the fastest and least costly choice. Amalgam is a mixture of mercury, silver, tin, or other metals. After fillings are placed, it is important to take care of them to prevent new issues from forming again. Brushing and flossing daily will help to keep buildup from accumulating on your teeth. Regular dental checkups and cleaning are also important. 

getting Dental Filling 33323

Do You Think You May Need A Dental Filling in 33323?

Taking care of your teeth is essential for the prevention of tooth decay and cavities. If you suspect that you have a forming cavity and think that you might need dental fillings, visit our website to learn how fillings from Midtown Dental Studio can help improve your smile and oral health.

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